Epic Mafia Wiki

VillageVillage or town is the 'good' side. Their aim is to lynch or kill the MafiaA Mafia and any Third Party roles that oppose them. Most of them have abilities to contribute and help the Village.A player that is part of the village will appear on cop reports as "* Sided with the village.".

Village mostly will use lynching to get rid of Mafia and Third Party, since most of Village Roles are investigative.

Since every night there is a high possibilitty of a innocent folk dying, Village has to know when people are lying to get the Mafia, or village losing will be a high chance.

Here are the list of villagers, each page goes into more detail about what each one does, but a brief description is provided:

Role Description
Villager Villager
  • Wins when all the mafia are dead.
Doctor Doctor
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person will be protected from dying that night.
Nurse Nurse
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person will be protected from dying that night.
  • If the chosen role visits it will be roleblocked.
Surgeon Surgeon
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person will be protected from dying and cannot be converted that night.
  • Kills one person who visits the chosen person.
Bodyguard Bodyguard
  • Visits one person every night.
  • If somebody tries to kill that person...
  • 50% chance the bodyguard will kill the attacker.
  • 50% chance the bodyguard will die in place of the target.
Cop Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with that person's alignment.
Insane Cop Insane Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with that person's alignment.
  • Guilty reports will appear innocent.
  • Innocent reports will appear guilty.
  • Appears as normal Cop to himself and upon death.
Confused Cop Confused Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with that person's alignment.
  • Reports will be random.
  • Appears as normal Cop to himself and upon death.
Paranoid Cop Paranoid Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with that person's alignment.
  • Everyone will always appear guilty.
  • Appears as normal Cop to himself and upon death.
Naive Cop Naive Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with that person's alignment.
  • Everyone will always appear innocent.
  • Appears as normal Cop to himself and upon death.
Lazy Cop Lazy Cop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with the person's alignment on the day after.
  • Cannot be roleblocked.
  • Appears as normal Cop to himself and upon death.
Watcher Watcher
  • Chooses one person every night.
  • Will know who visited that person that night.
  • Watcher's night action does not count as a visit.
Tracker Tracker
  • Chooses one person every night.
  • Will know who that person visited that night
Detective Detective
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with the role of that person.
Snoop Snoop
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Discovers what items they have at the start of day phase.
  • Can see Mason and Cultist robes.
  • Can see Miller, Insane, Paranoid, and Naive suits.
  • Can see Sheriff, Deputy, and Sniper guns.
Journalist Journalist
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Any system messages that person receives that night are given to the Journalist as well.
Mortician Mortician
  • Visits one dead player every night.
  • Learns the role of that player.
Pathologist Pathologist
  • Visits a dead player every night.
  • All system messages that player received are given to Pathologist next day.
Vigilante Vigilante
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Kills that person.
  • If visiting the same person as mafia, the Vigilante dies.
  • If shot by the mafia, Vigilante fails to kill.
Sheriff Sheriff
  • Carries one gun that must be shot immediately.
  • Gun cannot be stolen.
  • Identity will be revealed when the gun is shot.
Deputy Deputy
  • Carries one gun that can be shot during the day.
  • Gun cannot be stolen.
  • Identity will not be revealed when the gun is shot.
Drunk Drunk
  • Visits one person every night.
  • If the chosen person visits during the night, they are role-blocked.
Sleepwalker Sleepwalker
  • Randomly visits one person every night.
  • Visit is mandatory and does nothing.
  • Appears as villager to self.
Civilian Civilian
  • Mafia win if more than half the number of civilians in play die.
  • Mafia win if...
  • ... a lone Civilian dies
  • ... If both are dead out of 2 total Civilians
  • ... If 2 are dead out of 3 total Civilians
  • ... If 3 are dead out of 4 total Civilians
  • ... If 3 are dead out of 5 total Civilians
  • ... etc. [1]
Miller Miller
  • Appears as villager to self.
  • When investigated by cop, will appear to be guilty.
  • When killed, appears to be miller.
Suspect Suspect
  • Appears as blue to self.
  • Appears as mafia to cops.
  • Appears as self on death.
Leader Leader
  • If ever killed, votes will be anonymous for a day.
Bulletproof Bulletproof
  • Has a bulletproof vest.
  • The vest allows the Bulletproof to survive one shot.
Bleeder Bleeder
  • Will not instantly die if shot.
  • After a day, the Bleeder will die.
  • If shot while dying, nothing happens.
Bomb Bomb
  • Anyone who kills him/her will be blown up.
  • Will not explode if lynched.
Granny Granny
  • Will kill anyone who visits her during the night.
  • Cannot die during the night or be killed by a gun during the day.
Hunter Hunter
  • Shoots one person if ever lynched.
Town Crier Town Crier
  • Can send anonymous messages that appear at day meeting.
  • Writing in anonymous mode won't trigger the bubble.
Governor Governor
  • The governor can override a lynch once during a game.
  • Can not override a no-lynch.
Telepath Telepath
  • Can send anonymous messages to people (like agent/spy but sends them to the person not the role) [2]
Agent Agent
  • Can send anonymous messages to any role not aligned with village.
Celebrity Celebrity
  • Current role is always public.
  • Immune to Tailor
Loudmouth Loudmouth
  • Appears as villager to self
  • When visited during the night, will reveal all visitors.
  • When whispered, the whisper always leaks.
Mason Mason
  • Visits one person to recruit every night.
  • If recruting villager, villager becomes mason.
  • If recruiting mafia or killer, all visting masons die unless roleblocked.
  • If recruiting cultist, cultist dies.
Templar Templar
  • Shares a night meeting with all other Templars. [3]
Shrink Shrink
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person cannot be converted that night.
  • Can choose to target self.
  • Converts killer to villager.
Samurai Samurai
  • Will kill anyone who tries to convert him at night.
  • Can only kill 2 people.
  • Cannot be converted.
Jailer Jailer
  • If no lynching, chooses one target at the end of the day.
  • The target will be visited by the Jailer and jailed at night.
  • The target will be immune to night actions (except driving).
  • The target cannot do any action except write a will.
  • The Jailer and the target can converse at night.
  • The Jailer's identity is not revealed to the target.
  • The Jailer can choose to kill the jailed person. Counts as a visit which can be roleblocked.
Enchantress Enchantress
  • Visits one person once per game.
  • Gives that person a crystal ball.
  • Whoever has a crystal ball can choose a person each night.
  • When the holder of the crystal ball dies, the role of the last person chosen will be revealed to all.
Priest Priest
  • Visits self every night.
  • Learns what roles visited him during the night.
  • Werewolves who visit are exorcised and die.
  • If were to be killed has 50% chance of...
  • ... Changes mafia to Traitors
  • ... Changes village sided killers to Villagers.
  • ... Changes third party to Survivors.
Trapper Trapper
  • Visits one person each night, kills one of whoever visits that person at night.
  • If a killing role visits alongside others, the killing role always dies first in order of mafia, 3rd party, town-sided death (vigil, mason, etc.) [4]
Baker Baker
  • Visits two people every night.
  • Those two people receive bread.
  • Every person starts the game with three pieces of bread.
  • If all bakers die, the town goes into famine.
  • During a famine, every person eats a bread every day or night phase.
  • During a famine, people die when they run out of bread.
Ghoul Ghoul
  • Chooses a player at night.
  • If Ghoul is targeted by a killing role, the chosen person will be killed instead.
  • Ability only works once.
Judge Judge
  • Vote counts twice during the day.
Gallis Gallis
  • Appears as a villager to self.
  • If lynched the gallis will not die
  • If he has a minority vote on him when the lynch is finalized, Gallis will die.
Treestump Treestump
  • Can choose to become a tree at night.
  • Once a tree, cannot be killed or converted.
  • Once a tree, cannot vote.
Secretary Secretary
  • If ever killed during the night then voting will be completely disabled the following day.
  • Guns and other items or actions preformed during the day will still work.
Virgin Virgin
  • If lynched, mafia cannot kill the next night [5]
Blacksmith Blacksmith
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person receives a vest.
  • The vest allows the person to survive one shot.
Oracle Oracle
  • Chooses one person every night.
  • When the oracle dies, the role of the last person chosen will be revealed to all.
  • Immune to the Hooker.
Psychic Psychic
  • Can read a person's mind each night.
  • Will learn that person's true alignment regardless of role.
  • Will learn nothing if visited by anyone.
Dreamer Dreamer
  • Will have a dream each night.
  • The dream can tell a tale of 3 people, at least one of whom is mafia.
  • Alternatively, the dream can tell a tale of one person, who will be innocent.
  • Does not dream if visited at night.
Lightkeeper Lightkeeper
  • If killed, town will be engulfed in darkness during next day.
  • Players cannot see who is talking.
  • Players cannot see who voted whom.
Keymaker Keymaker
  • Makes a Key each night and gives it to a player.
  • That player can then lock himself in his house during any night of the game.
  • Locked player is roleblocked for that night and can not be visited that night.
  • A player with a key can not be jailed.
  • Keymaker can make a key for himself.
  • Ninjas and Thieves can visit locked players normally.
Gunsmith Gunsmtih
  • Visits one person every night.
  • That person receives a gun.
  • People who receive guns can shoot someone during the day.
  • People who shoot the guns have a 50% chance of staying anonymous.
Tinkerer Tinkerer
  • At night, if visited by no one, crafts a gun and arms himself with it.
  • When killed at night, his workshop is raided and one visitor receives a gun.
Mimic Mimic
  • Chooses one person at night.
  • Visits that person (can be Driven)
  • Checks alignment, then performs an action:
  • If the Mimic chose a town:
  • ...Visits that person and self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Steals their role and turns them into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a mafia:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a 3rd party role:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into an Amnesiac.
  • For alignment check, Godfather counts as town and Miller counts as mafia.
Santa Santa
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Will learn if they are "naughty" or "nice".
  • Will not receive a report if visited.
  • Visits a second player every night.
  • That person will receive an item of Santa's choice. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content
Caroler Caroler
  • Visits one person every night.
  • Sings a carol that consists of three players, at least one of which is mafia.
  • If player sung to is visiting at night, they don't hear the carol.
  • Cannot choose the same person consecutively.

Sandbox and Games-only[]

Role Description
Invisible Man Invisible Man
  • Can choose to follow a person during the day.
  • If this person has meeting during the night, the invisible man hears conversation without name of people who are talking.
Turncoat Turncoat
  • If mafia tries to kill him/her, he/she will turn into a traitor.
Penguin Penguin
  • At night, the penguin is able to "waddle" over to someone and tell them a secret about another player.
  • Multiple forms of secrets.
  • For example, (1)"During the night a fluffy penguin visits you and tells you that Player 1 has visited Player 2." ; (2)"During the night a fluffy penguin visits you and tells you that Player 1 is carrying a suit." ; (3)"During the night a fluffy penguin visits you and tells you that Player 1 has taken no action over the course of the night."
  • The secrets are randomized.
  • If drunked/hooked/nursed, the Penguin visit does not go through and instead the Penguin will receive a message saying "You tried to visit Player 1 , but a ferocious seal was blocking you."
  • If two Penguins are in the game and one visits the other, they will mate and all player actions will be blocked during the night (can only happen once per game). [6]

Sandbox, Games and Survivor-only[]

Role Description
Chef Chef
  • Chooses two people during the day.
  • Those two people are invited to a banquet for dinner and conversation.
  • The two people know each other's roles but not each other's identities.
Party Host Party Host

- Throws a wild party once a game
- Everyone in the town is invited
- Everyone mingles at night and has fun
- Everyone can converse and whatnot
- All votes and such go on as per normal

  • Basically a fun role for the Sandbox, forces groups to have to hide their decisions from the rest of the party-goers and gives blues something to do at night. [7]
  1. These two are the only Village role that do not have "*Sided with the village." at the end.
  2. This is the only Village role that does not have a dot at the end of "*Sided with the village".
  3. This is the only Village role that has "village" capitalised in "*Sided with the village."
  4. This is the only role that instead having "*Sided with the village." at the end has "*Sided with the town." at the start.
  5. This is the only role that instead of having "*Sided with the village." at the end has "*Sided with the Village".
  6. This is the only role that instead of saying "*Sided with the village." at the end says "Village sided." at the start.
  7. This is the only Village role that instead of saying "*Sided with the village" at the end says "-Town-sided" at the start.


  • If you are a Doctor and you know a proven Bodyguard (or Vice-versa) you may try to team up with them so you can heal them and they can guard you (or Vice-Versa). This will make an almostinvincible team.
  • Always have proof or evidence when lynching someone, or you will seem like a lyncher
  • Don't reveal you role unless is neccesary or you were asked by someone you can trust